Wowsers! Time is movin' on faster and faster! However, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get" as my Mother used to say. We're already headed for Thanksgiving and Christmas!
One of the aspects of making jewelry that I enjoy, is that there are so many different styles and mediums to work with, such as metal, textile, plastic, PMC, glass, ceramic, and upcycled pieces. Too many to list, and I love to look at the inspiring work of others and see their wonderful creations.
Last summer I took an on-line class from the Terri Brush Academy. ( I worked on some soldered pendants using Plaster of Paris in the bezel. I enjoyed using paint and picture copies to make a little artful pendant. I especially liked the brightness of the gold paint accents on the plaster and the picture. I used copies of some family photos of ancestors for the bezels.
Check out Terri's blog and enjoy the inspiring work of her students.
Here are some of mine...
What do you think?
Have a wonderful and inspiring day!!!