I wanted to share a couple of ideas for using photos in your jewelry. The first below is a brooch made with etched brass and soldered into a frame. The rhinestones and pictures are secured with resin. The cute girls in the picture are me and my sisters getting ready to trick or treat! My mother would not let us go door to door and yell "Trick or Treat!" like the hundreds of normal kids did back then. No, we had to recite all together the following little ditty...
"We're so hungry,
We could die!
Candy, cake or
a piece of pie!"
When we would recite this, many people would ask us to say it again and call other family members to the door to listen to us repeat it. I must admit that we were often given extra candy, so that made it worth it. I gave this to my sister who is wearing the clown outfit! I'm the tallest in the background...the oldest sister...
I hope you have a wonderful and art inspired day!
Yours truly,