Another new year! Like the first page of a new journal, all clean and ready for writing life experiences. What will be written in the days ahead? 2017 has had it's ups and downs, but a new year promises new friendships, new horizons of learning, new understandings, new growth, new memories to make. Shed past mistakes, shed the drama, shed the stresses.
Embrace new paths with beautiful views and possibilities. Embrace the sunrise on the beach with the sparkles of gold dancing on the water. Discover the loveliness of purples, reds, browns and greens and golds of the desert. Listen to the happy rushing of water over rocks in the creeks and rivers. Notice the swaying leaves and trees in the breeze. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Enjoy the rain drizzling down the windows or better yet, walk in the rain and smell the good earth.

See? You can place yourself somewhere happy and peaceful and lovely in the midst of difficulties and receive strength. Breathe in slowly. Pray sincerely, meditate with purpose, repeat helpful and positive affirmations. Talk to yourself in kindness and bolster your courage to do and be. When things don't work out, it just means there's another adventure out there for you. Keep going.
Practice gratitude. Show mercy. Make eye contact. Smile often. Bless others.
You are unique and have purpose in life. You are divine. Our Heavenly Father loves you.
Someone is watching over you. You will succeed. Pat yourself on the back while repeating after me, "I'm so clever, I AMAZE myself!"
Onward and upward in the new year!
Julie Pike